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“A fountain of clarity about how to think about your message.”

I found your book to be a ‘fountain’ of clarity about how to think about one’s message. Complexity is the enemy of clear thinking and your book evaporates complexity in many ways… Well done indeed!

Robert Kramer, President, Visionary Strategic Consulting

“If you’re looking to learn how to write effectively, this is the book.”

Think Before You Write is unlike most books that simply regurgitate what is taught in elementary school about outlining and topic sentences. Peter’s approach to strategic development helps me write content that is understandable and useful to my readers. Five years later I’m still getting requests for copies of my white papers written with this approach. If you’re looking to learn how to write effectively, this is the book.

Brian K. Seitz, former IP Development Architect at Microsoft

FEATURES include:

•   The bow-and-arrow tool
•   Document sketching
•   How to develop your core message

•   4 types of outlines
•   7 stages of expanding an outline
•   Professional table formats
•   Using the AIDA method as a structure

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